Monday, November 9, 2015

Katherine Magnoli Heads Back To Hillel For a Writers Workshop

Katherine Magnoli
with President Bill Clinton
at Books & Books in Coral Gables
The Adventures of KatGirl
I am pleased to announce that Katherine Magnoli will be visiting our classroom next week to give us a writers workshop. We will be in our Classroom for all of the sessions. The times of my classes are from 1:00 to 4:00.

Like her Fan Page on Facebook
Here is a little sample of Katherine's published work.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Hi Period I

Here is the Agenda for today's class.
  1. Please take the Sukkot pre-test. You must keep the test as we will grade it on Wednesday.
  2. One everyone is done with the test, you we begin the Sukkot unit.
  3. Click on this link.
  4. Make a copy of the Sukkot Power Point into your Google Drive.
  5. Answer the question on slide One, directly on the power point.
  6. Arrange all the words from your list into the three categories on Slide Two.
  7. On Slide four highlight any words from the text that are related to the feeling of security. For example "Lord, Children, booths"
  8. Complete the five questions on Slide Six. 
When you are done with the Sukkot work, please finish your Sandy Kofax Letter and Submit your work by Clicking on this link.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Reading Assessment Hotline

Okay, so here is how this works...

Step One: Open the PDF of the reading Sheet here or in the Resource section above. You can print it if you wish.
Step Two: Set your stopwatch on your phone to 60 seconds. You can use this site if you wish,
Step Three: Call this number, 561.740.6762, following the instructions I leave on the voice mail.
Step Four: At your regular speed read for 60 seconds only, from the reading sheet.
Step Five: Hang up when you are done.

Additional Reading Sheets:
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Names Of Rosh Hashanah

Unit Objective

By the end of this unit you will understand that ראש השנה (Rosh Hashanah) is the day on which we crown Hashem as King and acknowledge that we each have a personal mission within His Kingdom for which we are held responsible.

Essential Questions

By the end of this unit, you should be able to answer the following questions:
  • What is the significance of each of the names of Rosh Hashanah? 
  • Why Rosh Hashanah was chosen as a Day of Judgment?

Click here to Download the Student Handout, and the Activity Instructions.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Jews Who Impacted World History

Unit Objective and description.

  1. For Students to Study the Positive Impact the Jewish People have had on the world.
  2. For Each Student to Publish a book on the life a Jewish Person whose impact has changed the world we live in.
  3. For each students to clearly identify the positive impact their person of choice has had on the world.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Rabbi Goes to Brandeis

                                            Click on the image to access the full Story

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Chabad Bar Mitzvah Maamar with Audio Recordings

Click on the image above to access the Maamar PDF and its recordings. Or Here for a link to the Google Drive Folder. It was on a YouTube Channel that has since been taken down.
  1. The Maamar is in Hebrew with linear English translation.
  2. Open or download the PDF.
  3. The Maamar is divided into 26 part
  4. To hear the sound track, click on the number on the right hand side of the section for the corresponding audio clip.


  • Available for Apple & Andriod
  • Available in Hebrew and Yiddish 
  • Built-in audio recordings, translation, explanation, daily reminders, bookmarking system
  • Record progress and review or send to a parent or teacher
  • Calculate how many lines to learn until the Bar Mitzvah and more

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Unit Goal: 
  • By the end of this unit students will understand the deeper meaning of the term, "Simcha"
  • By the end of this unit unit students will understand why the above mentioned value is so central to Jewish living.
  • By the end of this unit unit students will understand how the Middah of "Simcha" can affect our relationships with others, with ourselves, and with Hashem. 
Work Instructions:
  1. Watch the PowerPoint below and then answer the questions provided.
  2. You must pick a NEW partner TO WORK WITH on this part of the unit.
  3. You may create a Google Doc using the following link, please copy the PPP into your own Google Drive. Here is a link to the Power Point in Google Docs.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Erech Apayim Part 2

Unit Goal: 
  • By the end of this unit students will understand the deeper meaning of the term, "Erech Apayim"
  • By the end of this unit unit students will understand why the above mentioned value is so central to Jewish living, and is listed by the Mishnah as one of the ways to acquire the Torah.
  • By the end of this unit unit students will understand how the Middah of "Erech Apayim" can affect our relationships with others, with ourselves, and with Hashem. 
Work Instructions:
  1. Read through the assessment options, and complete one of the.
  2. Once complete submit your work in Dropbox
  3. You must WORK ALONE on this part of the unit.
  4. Here is a link to the Power Point in Google Docs.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Erech Apayim

Unit Goal: 
  • By the end of this unit students will understand the deeper meaning of the term, "Erech Apayim"
  • By the end of this unit unit students will understand why the above mentioned value is so central to Jewish living, and is listed by the Mishnah as one of the ways to acquire the Torah.
  • By the end of this unit unit students will understand how the Middah of "Erech Apayim" can affect our relationships with others, with ourselves, and with Hashem. 
Work Instructions:
  1. Watch the PowerPoint below and then answer the questions provided.
  2. You must pick a NEW partner TO WORK WITH on this part of the unit.
  3. You may create a Google Doc using the following link, please copy the PPP into your own Google Drive. Here is a link to the Power Point in Google Docs.
Visit Jewish.TV for more Jewish videos.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Seder Plate

By the end of this Unit Students will be able to Understand:
  1. The role of the items and rituals performed with the Seder Plate.
  2. What are some of the important event and ideas to remember about the Pesach experience.
  3. How do rituals get their meaning?
  4. Can a ritual have more than one meaning?
Assignment instructions: 
  1. Pick A Study Partner
  2. Download or fill out the Seder Plate handout under the Slideshow
  3. Complete the Do Now on Slide One.
  4. Download or fill out a copy of  the Seder Plate Rituals from below the Slide show
  5. Follow the instructions on the Handout.

  1. Link to the Baseball Plate
  2. Link to the Seder Plate Handout
A Sample of what the finished art piece can look like.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Purim Timeline Project

By the end of this Unit Students will be able to Understand:
  • The historical placement of Purim.
  • That a majority of the Purim story happens on Pesach.
Essential Question: How does knowing the date of an Historical event shape our understanding of the event ?

Assignment instructions: 
  1. Pick a Partner
  2. Go to this link below, and scroll down to the list of Purim events and their dates.
  3. Using one of the timeline websites below, enter the events and dates in the order of the Jewish months listed below.
  4. You may use a Document or excel spreadsheet.
  5. Save your work and submit it to drop-box on community log in.
  6. Make sure you pay close attention to the years, and that BCE dates work backwards.
Timeline Websites:
Months of the year:
  1. Nissan             6. Elul
  2. Iyar                 7. Tishrie
  3. Sivan              8. Cheshvan
  4. Tammuz         9. Kislev
  5. Av                 10. Tevet

Monday, February 23, 2015


Purim is Thursday March 24th, the Fast of Esther is Wednesday March 23rd.

  1. Choose a partner.
  2. Open a shared Power Point in Google Docs.
  3. Choose a Purim topic to research. (You can choose a topic from the Pre-Test)
  4. Write out your lesson goal "Student will understand/know..
  5. Create a ten minute mini lesson using the Rubric attached to this link.
  6. Your unit must include an assessment i.e online quiz, crossword puzzle, kahoot, socrative. (leave 5 minutes for your assessment).
  7. Period C, G and I will teach it on Thursday. (April 7th)
  8. Period H will teach it on Friday. (April 8th)
  9. Here is the Oral Presentation Rubric you will be graded with.

Please post your topic in the comment section below, so you are not repeating topic.

Useful Purim sites: Chabad/Purim
Useful Purim sites: Aish/Purim
Useful Purim sites: Lookstein/purim
Useful Purim sites:

Example: Lesson Goal: Students will understand why we dress up on Purim.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Purim Pre-Test

  • Click on Image above to download the Purim Pre-Test
  • Click on the link HERE to access the Quizlet study Guide
  • Click HERE to access the Google Doc Study Guide

Monday, January 26, 2015


Hi Guys, 

Great news, the book are now on their way. They an be tracked here, to see when they will be arriving.

As soon as they, we will be visiting the lower school to read them our stories, looking forward to seeing all of our hard work. You are now officially 'A book Author'. The link may not work until tomorrow.

Click Here to track the books journey: Tracking numbers: 1Z08029W0369669980

Monday, January 12, 2015

Unit 1: Be of the Students of Aharon

By the end of this Unit Students will be able to Understand:

  • That Aharon was someone who is known for his active pursuit of peace.
  • How to resolve situations of conflict in one’s own life.
  • How to work as a peace maker to help others resolve conflict.
  • How to proactively and holistically to prevent conflict from arising.
Essential Question: How does one walk in the footsteps of Aharon¸ brother of Moshe?