Friday, March 6, 2015

Purim Timeline Project

By the end of this Unit Students will be able to Understand:
  • The historical placement of Purim.
  • That a majority of the Purim story happens on Pesach.
Essential Question: How does knowing the date of an Historical event shape our understanding of the event ?

Assignment instructions: 
  1. Pick a Partner
  2. Go to this link below, and scroll down to the list of Purim events and their dates.
  3. Using one of the timeline websites below, enter the events and dates in the order of the Jewish months listed below.
  4. You may use a Document or excel spreadsheet.
  5. Save your work and submit it to drop-box on community log in.
  6. Make sure you pay close attention to the years, and that BCE dates work backwards.
Timeline Websites:
Months of the year:
  1. Nissan             6. Elul
  2. Iyar                 7. Tishrie
  3. Sivan              8. Cheshvan
  4. Tammuz         9. Kislev
  5. Av                 10. Tevet

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