Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Purim Unit

Unit Goals and Objectives: At the end of this unit, students will be able to:

    Identify at least one miracle that Hashem performed that day.
    Describe the act which fulfills the mitzvah, and to whom, when and where the mitzvah applies.
    Prove that the entire story of Purim was orchestrated by Hashem.
    Detail the four special mitzvos of Purim and how they are performed.
    Name the additional Tefillos that are recited on Purim.
    Examine whether reading the Megillah takes precedence over a mitzvah from the Torah.
    List some of the Minhagim of Purim including their reason.
    Relate the circumstances in which Purim Katan is celebrated and describe how it is celebrated.
    Explain the significance of fasting on Ta׳anis Esther.

Class Activities:

   Click on the PowerPoint below to access the Workbook.
   Formative Assessment: Click on the link to access the worksheet
   Answers can be found in the PowerPoint below.

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