Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Chanukah Workshop

  • Unit Objective: Students will be able to identify the heroes in the story of Chanukah and the heroic qualities these heroes demonstrated. 
  • Students will also be able to identify customs and laws of Chanukah and their respective connections to the Chanukah heroes / heroism.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Hillel Values

Unit Objective:
  • By the end of this unit students will know the Definition of the word value and the names of Hillel's five values.
  • By the end of this unit students will understand that leading a well-balanced life requires us to have strong Jewish values.
  • Values strengthen one’s moral character, and that principled centered people make for great leaders.
Class Activities:
  • Click on the PowerPoint below to access the Workbook.
  • Formative Assessment: Click on the link to access the worksheet

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Classroom Instruction 5/13/2014

Period A:
  • Please choose one of the two stories from the Rabbinics resource page on community login. Click on the folder called April, and complete the story you did not yet do the week I was in Washington. Due Friday on dropbox.
  • If you have already completed both of the stories, please finish working on the Chesed unit we started last week, if you do not have the handout or were not here, it can be accessed here. You must complete pages 1-5, and the essay question at the end, NOTICE I HAVE CHANGED THE ASSESSMENT QUESTION SLIGHTLY. Due on dropbox by Friday. You will graded on the handout as well, which should be turned in when I return.
Period B:
Period C:
  • Please choose one of the two stories from the Rabbinics resource page on community login. Click on the folder called April, and complete the story you did not yet do the week I was in Washington. Due Friday on dropbox.
  • If you have already completed both of the stories, please finish working on the Chesed unit we started last week, if you do not have the handout or were not here, it can be accessed here. You must complete pages 1-5, and the essay question at the end, NOTICE I HAVE CHANGED THE ASSESSMENT QUESTION SLIGHTLY. Due on dropbox by Friday. You will graded on the handout as well, which should be turned in when I return.
Period E:
  • Please choose one of the two stories from the Rabbinics resource page on community login. Click on the folder called April, and complete the story you did not yet do the week I was in Washington. Due Friday on dropbox.
  • If you have already completed both of the stories, please finish working on the Chesed unit we started last week, if you do not have the handout or were not here, it can be accessed here. You must complete pages 1-5, and the essay question at the end, NOTICE I HAVE CHANGED THE QUESTION SLIGHTLY. Due on dropbox by Friday. You will graded on the handout as well, which should be turned in when I return.
Period G:
Period I: (note to my dear 8th graders, this is the last few of the graded assignments you will be getting from me, that can make or break your final grade, make it happen)
  • Please choose one of the two stories from the Rabbinics resource page on community login. Click on the folder called April, and complete one of the two stories. Due Friday on dropbox.
  • If you have already completed both of the stories, please finish working on the Chesed unit we started last week, if you do not have the handout or were not here, it can be accessed here. You must complete pages 1-5, and the essay question at the end, NOTICE I HAVE CHANGED THE ASSESSMENT QUESTION SLIGHTLY. Due on dropbox by Friday. You will graded on the handout as well, which should be turned in when I return.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Pesach Unit 1: From Slavery to Slavery?

Unit Objective:
  • Students will understand and recognize that the path to personal freedom starts with identifying the things that hold us back.
  • Students will understand that slavery extends beyond backbreaking labor, and that liberty means more than freedom from unpaid work.
Work Instructions:
  • You MAY work with a partner on this part of the unit.
  • Please copy the PPP into your own Google Drive.
  • Watch the PowerPoint below and then answer the questions provided.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Pesach Unit 1: From Slavery to Freedom

Unit Objective:

  • Students will be able understand and recognize that retelling our history helps us to remember it 
  • Students will recognize that retelling the story of our Exodus from Egypt in ways that are personally meaningful.

Work Instructions:
  1. Watch the PowerPoint below and then answer the questions provided.
  2. You MAY work with a partner on this part of the unit.
  3. You may create a Google Doc using the following link, please copy the PPP into your own Google Drive. Here is a link to the Power Point in Google Docs.

Pesach Freedom Clip

Visit Jewish.TV for more Jewish videos.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Laws and Pesach Customs

Click on the image below to print out or open the Handout.

Short Version: CLICK HERE
Long Version: CLICK HERE

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

Code.org Video Tutorials

  1. Code.org has 20 levels, each of the even numbered levels has a video tutorial. 
  2. Click below to find the video for your level.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Purim Unit

Unit Goals and Objectives: At the end of this unit, students will be able to:

    Identify at least one miracle that Hashem performed that day.
    Describe the act which fulfills the mitzvah, and to whom, when and where the mitzvah applies.
    Prove that the entire story of Purim was orchestrated by Hashem.
    Detail the four special mitzvos of Purim and how they are performed.
    Name the additional Tefillos that are recited on Purim.
    Examine whether reading the Megillah takes precedence over a mitzvah from the Torah.
    List some of the Minhagim of Purim including their reason.
    Relate the circumstances in which Purim Katan is celebrated and describe how it is celebrated.
    Explain the significance of fasting on Ta׳anis Esther.

Class Activities:

   Click on the PowerPoint below to access the Workbook.
   Formative Assessment: Click on the link to access the worksheet
   Answers can be found in the PowerPoint below.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Please visit code.org/join and enter their section-code: 

For Design & Technology Period B T-F enter: JWCYRK 
For Design & Technology Period B M-W enter: FXKDYC 
For Design & Technology Period G M-W enter: CJCGCK 
For Design & Technology Period G T-TH enter: HUDETC

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Learn to talk JavaScript

Unit Goals: 
  • Learn the basics of the JavaScript programming language. 
  • Create an interactive animation of your own name.
Click on the Image above to access the Code Academy Web Site.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Book Evening Presentation

In the near future the Seventh Grade will be hosting an Authors Evening, to proudly display the
accomplishments of the hard work by each of the Seventh Grade students. Each student published a book from scratch, highlighting the life accomplishment and impact a Jewish personality had on the world.

Assignment requirements in specific order:
  • Open a document, write down the accomplishment of your character, the impact they had and the time period they lived. Include one interesting thing about them.
  • In first person compose a short paragraph, explaining the information you detailed in the above bullet point.
  • Get into character, using props, background, voice or dress up.
  • Film yourself talking about who you are, and explain to the audience how the world is a better place because of you, reading from your prepared script. It must be no longer than 30 seconds.
  • Edit your movie and submit it to dropbox, by March 5th.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Unit Four Answer Key

Use this link to check off your answers, when you are done post the link of your Doc to the dropbox called Unit 4 on Community Login.

Rabbi Kahan

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Boys Night Out Event NEXT TUESDAY

Sign up by sending an email to Rabbi Kahan

First ten students to sign up earn an exclusive Subway lunch

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Unit 4: Establishment of Communal Jewish Prayer

Unit Goals and Objectives:

Unit Assessment:

  • Prayer Unit 4 Study: Completion of the booklet described above is worth 15 points because there is no major assessment for this unit. Every page is worth 5 points.