Monday, October 14, 2013

Unit 1: The Virtue of Prayer

Unit Goals and Objectives:

  • By the end of this unit, students will understand why prayer is such a central feature of Jewish observance.

Unit Study (1-2 lessons)

  • Why do you think that prayer is such a central feature of Jewish observance? Answer this question individually in the Comment section below the Slide Show.
  • Watch the PowerPoint slideshow below and then answer the questions provided. If you are not in class, you can access the questions by clicking here

Unit Assessment (1-2 lessons)

  • Poster: Click here for instructions if you were not present in class.
  • Student Reflections: Please complete the "Unit #1" page of the Student Reflections booklet (you should have a received a copy of this booklet in class; you will need to write your answer in the printed booklet).


  1. The reason praying is a central feature of jewish observance, is because when a jew prays they are connecting to Hashem and having a connection with him. - Michelle Elovic

  2. The reason praying is a central feature of jewish observance is because when you or a jew pray, you are building a relationship with Hashem and getting connected to him

  3. Bless you G-D for waking me up you are my G-D the G-D of my forefathers and you attach us to your commandments. Let us do good deeds.

  4. Bless you G-D for waking me up you are my G-D the G-D of my forefathers and you attach us to your commandments. Let us do good deeds.

  5. Bless you G-D for waking me up you are my G-D the G-D of my forefathers and you attach us to your commandments. Let us do good deeds.


Thank you for sharing your comment and adding to this valuable conversation!