Friday, May 11, 2018

Shavuot Scavenger Hunt

As part of our Shavuot Unit each class Period will be divided into two groups to create a fun learning activity.

Each group of students are responsible to work together. This Project will be worth 100 grade points for each group member.

 You will be preparing a scavenger hunt for your classmates using the following steps:
  1. Sit with your assigned group.
  2. Appoint one person to Create the Google Doc.
  3. Share the Google Doc with the entire group.
  4. Create a group name.
  5. Create seven clues that will lead students to a certain location on campus.
  6. Create seven Shavuot related actives to be played at each clue (activity must be able to fit into an envelope i.e a word-search, a pipe cleaner flower).
  7. Create Seven Shavuot related questions which will be used to help the competing teams advance to the next clue. (New clue will only be provided once activity and question is answered).
  8. Divide up the Scavenger Hunt checklist among your group.
  9. The game must have a 15 minute time limit and can only be played on schools campus.
Helpful resources for activities, questions and clues:
The Scavenger Hunt will be played by your classmates in two groups who will compete against one another for the prize. Only one group can win.

Two groups will play at a time while the third group manages the game. We will rotate until each groups game has been played,


FYI: Shavuot begins this Saturday night, and ends on Monday Night. Please join Jews all over the world and attend Synagogue on the first day of Shavuot this Sunday to hear the Ten Commandments being read.