Thursday, September 24, 2015

Hi Period I

Here is the Agenda for today's class.
  1. Please take the Sukkot pre-test. You must keep the test as we will grade it on Wednesday.
  2. One everyone is done with the test, you we begin the Sukkot unit.
  3. Click on this link.
  4. Make a copy of the Sukkot Power Point into your Google Drive.
  5. Answer the question on slide One, directly on the power point.
  6. Arrange all the words from your list into the three categories on Slide Two.
  7. On Slide four highlight any words from the text that are related to the feeling of security. For example "Lord, Children, booths"
  8. Complete the five questions on Slide Six. 
When you are done with the Sukkot work, please finish your Sandy Kofax Letter and Submit your work by Clicking on this link.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Reading Assessment Hotline

Okay, so here is how this works...

Step One: Open the PDF of the reading Sheet here or in the Resource section above. You can print it if you wish.
Step Two: Set your stopwatch on your phone to 60 seconds. You can use this site if you wish,
Step Three: Call this number, 561.740.6762, following the instructions I leave on the voice mail.
Step Four: At your regular speed read for 60 seconds only, from the reading sheet.
Step Five: Hang up when you are done.

Additional Reading Sheets:
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Names Of Rosh Hashanah

Unit Objective

By the end of this unit you will understand that ראש השנה (Rosh Hashanah) is the day on which we crown Hashem as King and acknowledge that we each have a personal mission within His Kingdom for which we are held responsible.

Essential Questions

By the end of this unit, you should be able to answer the following questions:
  • What is the significance of each of the names of Rosh Hashanah? 
  • Why Rosh Hashanah was chosen as a Day of Judgment?

Click here to Download the Student Handout, and the Activity Instructions.