Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Classroom Instruction 5/13/2014

Period A:
  • Please choose one of the two stories from the Rabbinics resource page on community login. Click on the folder called April, and complete the story you did not yet do the week I was in Washington. Due Friday on dropbox.
  • If you have already completed both of the stories, please finish working on the Chesed unit we started last week, if you do not have the handout or were not here, it can be accessed here. You must complete pages 1-5, and the essay question at the end, NOTICE I HAVE CHANGED THE ASSESSMENT QUESTION SLIGHTLY. Due on dropbox by Friday. You will graded on the handout as well, which should be turned in when I return.
Period B:
Period C:
  • Please choose one of the two stories from the Rabbinics resource page on community login. Click on the folder called April, and complete the story you did not yet do the week I was in Washington. Due Friday on dropbox.
  • If you have already completed both of the stories, please finish working on the Chesed unit we started last week, if you do not have the handout or were not here, it can be accessed here. You must complete pages 1-5, and the essay question at the end, NOTICE I HAVE CHANGED THE ASSESSMENT QUESTION SLIGHTLY. Due on dropbox by Friday. You will graded on the handout as well, which should be turned in when I return.
Period E:
  • Please choose one of the two stories from the Rabbinics resource page on community login. Click on the folder called April, and complete the story you did not yet do the week I was in Washington. Due Friday on dropbox.
  • If you have already completed both of the stories, please finish working on the Chesed unit we started last week, if you do not have the handout or were not here, it can be accessed here. You must complete pages 1-5, and the essay question at the end, NOTICE I HAVE CHANGED THE QUESTION SLIGHTLY. Due on dropbox by Friday. You will graded on the handout as well, which should be turned in when I return.
Period G:
Period I: (note to my dear 8th graders, this is the last few of the graded assignments you will be getting from me, that can make or break your final grade, make it happen)
  • Please choose one of the two stories from the Rabbinics resource page on community login. Click on the folder called April, and complete one of the two stories. Due Friday on dropbox.
  • If you have already completed both of the stories, please finish working on the Chesed unit we started last week, if you do not have the handout or were not here, it can be accessed here. You must complete pages 1-5, and the essay question at the end, NOTICE I HAVE CHANGED THE ASSESSMENT QUESTION SLIGHTLY. Due on dropbox by Friday. You will graded on the handout as well, which should be turned in when I return.