Thursday, February 27, 2014

Book Evening Presentation

In the near future the Seventh Grade will be hosting an Authors Evening, to proudly display the
accomplishments of the hard work by each of the Seventh Grade students. Each student published a book from scratch, highlighting the life accomplishment and impact a Jewish personality had on the world.

Assignment requirements in specific order:
  • Open a document, write down the accomplishment of your character, the impact they had and the time period they lived. Include one interesting thing about them.
  • In first person compose a short paragraph, explaining the information you detailed in the above bullet point.
  • Get into character, using props, background, voice or dress up.
  • Film yourself talking about who you are, and explain to the audience how the world is a better place because of you, reading from your prepared script. It must be no longer than 30 seconds.
  • Edit your movie and submit it to dropbox, by March 5th.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Unit Four Answer Key

Use this link to check off your answers, when you are done post the link of your Doc to the dropbox called Unit 4 on Community Login.

Rabbi Kahan