Thursday, February 28, 2013

"Lo Levayesh"

Unit Goal: 
  • By the end of this unit students will understand the deeper meaning of the term, "Lo Levayesh"
  • By the end of this unit unit students will understand why the above mentioned value is so central to Jewish living.
  • By the end of this unit unit students will understand how the Middah of Lo Levayesh can relate to our relationships with others, with ourselves, and with Hashem. 
Work Instructions:
  1. Watch the PowerPoint below and then answer the questions provided.
  2. You must pick a NEW partner TO WORK WITH on this part of the unit.
  3. You may create a Google Doc using the following link, please copy the PPP into your own Google Drive. Here is a link to the Power Point in Google Docs.

In Class work:


As you just learned of the shame Adam & Chava and Ezra felt after committing a sin against Hashem, the Talmud says something similar "All those who commit a sin and are ashamed of it are forgiven for all their sins" (Source: Brachot 12b)

1. Write freely for a few minutes on the relationship between shame and forgiveness.
2. How do YOU intuitively or internally treat shame?
3. How do you process wrongdoing?
4. Does what you learnt today and the line of the Talmud ring true to you after answering the above two questions?
4. Is shame towards oneself a good thing? how so and/how not so?

Friday, February 15, 2013

Samyach Bechelko Part 2

Unit Goal: 
  • You have spent the last week studying Tanach Sources on the topic of Envy, and being content with what you have.
  • In the next part of this unit we will learn and analyze the Post Tanach sources about the topic of  Envy, and being content with what you have.
  • Study the Secondary sources from the Torah that discus the concept of envy, then answer the prompt questions in the power point.
In Class Activities:

Learn each Torah Source on each slide and respond to the question with you study partner, opion question MUST be answered independently. You may make a copy of the Power Point into your own Google Drive.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Samyach Bechelko Part 1

Unit Goal: 
  • By the end of this unit students will understand the meaning of the terms, Samayach B'chelko, and lo Tachmod.
  • By the end of this unit unit students will understand why the above mentioned values are so central to Jewish living.
  • Study the primary sources from the Torah the discus the concept of envy, and answer the prompt questions in the power point.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Emergency Lesson Plans

      Please click on the image above 
        to access the Sub plans Folder.